Who are we

Botswana Centre for Public Integrity (BCPI) is a non-profit organisation which seeks to contribute to the achievement of Botswana’s VISION 2036 Pillar 4 on GOVERNANCE, PEACE and SECURITY and the attainment of the Suitalble Development Goals (GLOBAL GOAL/SDG 16) which seeks to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

Our Vision

BCPI’s vision is “an open, just and equitable Botswana, in which government, business, civil society, and citizens work together, acting with and demanding integrity, contributing towards democratic governance”.

Our Mission

BCPI’s mission is “to promote and safeguard democracy by building a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability at all levels and across sectors of society as a way of protecting beneficiaries of public goods and services”

Support BCPI

Your donation today helps us tackle the issues that threaten democracy and fairness in Botswana.

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Leadership is not always about you, it is about people and often circumstances. I call upon African leaders to open up to second-generation rights.

Festus Mogae

Third President of Botswana, Africa RenewalThird President of Botswana, Africa Renewal,